Friday, June 20, 2014

Just keep swimming, or pedaling.....

In many ways I am becoming alarmingly similar to Dory - the daft blue fish in "Finding Nemo" who couldn't remember anything.  Anyway this past long weekend I took a line from Dory and kept it as my motto - "just keep swimming, just keep swimming".  And of course, in case any of you are confused, I meant just keep pedaling, just keep pedaling.
I set another record for me.  I suppose this is going to become boring as cycling is a new sport and training for something as big as Ride to Rhodes is going to keep me reaching new heights.  But I digress - I rode for 3 days consecutively and cycled 170kms over the 3 days.  It is now Thursday evening and I can still feel my legs!
We did a 54 km ride to the Irene Market on Saturday.  It was quite a slow ride which is some ways is great for me as it keeps my heart rate low and my base increasing but I was also a little frustrated at the slow pace.
Icicle field

Then Sunday I rode from home and met Fiona and Andre and we rode off to Northern Farm.  It was good and comfortable.  I was tired but was only focussing on the moment and not thinking about getting up again the next day for another ride.  I stayed with the "just keep swimming....." focus.  We did a 54 km ride.  It was Father's Day and Doug and Kayla met us at Northern Farm for a Bacon and Egg roll and a Platt Anna for me (toasted roll with bacon, cheese and tomato).  Yum yum.
On Monday it was a public holiday and Doug and I met up with Derick and Sonja for a Magaliesburg ride.  I was Mrs No-where on the hills - I kept of falling right back if there was even a sniff of an incline.  My legs were K-sausted - which is like exhausted but more.  I made an effort to stay positive and in the moment.  Doug said I was still being a bit too negative and when asked how I was doing I needed to lie a bit and say fine - in other words don't admit that I am tired or sore or whatever.  His observation was when the guys did this under pressure that they would crumble as they would succumb to the negativity.  I need to process this as I also believe in saying what the truth is.  Anyway more on this as we go along I guess.
Hike a Bike

My Sweetie

The railway line

I was very proud of myself that I had done the 3 days however it also scared me as I am going to be doing a lot more each day with a LOT more climbing and at a slower pace.

I also started with my programme last week from my biokinetist - Tim.  The schedule is something like this:
Monday - 25 - 30km cycle
Tuesday - strength training
Wednesday - spinning or cycling
Thursday - strength training
Friday - rest
Sat - cycle
Sun - cycle

I am really enjoying the strength training.  It is focussing on core, glutes and some upper body.  I still need to watch my elbow that was operated on - it niggles a bit which is quite annoying.
I am motivated and energised and feeling very aware of how lucky I am to be training for this - that my body is healthy and up for the challenge.

1 comment:

  1. You are doing awesomely my Angel. Completely dedicated and enjoying every ride as well. I love riding with you.
